
Who oversees cookie management at YeahOk?

YeahOk, located at 234 Park Lane, Manchester, M3 6TR, United Kingdom, is responsible for the cookie policy on the website If you have any questions regarding the cookie policy, please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected].

What are YeahOk cookies?

Our website utilises cookies, which are small data or text files placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit or use a (mobile) application. These files contain unique codes that allow your browser to identify you during your online interactions.

Why do we use cookies?

Cookies are employed to enhance your user experience and optimise the functionality of our website, facilitating smoother navigation and interaction between you and the YeahOk website. For example, if a cookie identifies you, there’s no need to repeatedly enter data such as login details.

Cookies also contribute to making our website’s content more engaging for you. Additionally, we use cookies to analyse your browsing behaviour, gaining insights into how you discovered, your duration of use, and other statistical data. This information helps us refine our website, tailor it to your preferences and needs, and fulfil reporting obligations to our supporters.

Which cookies do we use?

We categorise our cookies into three types:

  1. Necessary Functional Cookies: Essential for proper website use, requiring no permission and cannot be disabled.
  2. Statistical Cookies: Gather general information about your website usage. Your consent is necessary for these cookies.
  3. Marketing Cookies: These cookies are related to third-party services on our website and require your consent. They involve:

   – Share buttons from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn

   – Posts from these platforms displayed in articles

   – Videos from YouTube, Vimeo, and DailyMotion

   – Audio fragments from SoundCloud

   – Infographics from Infogram and

   – Certain advertisements use scripts to track views and clicks, creating a user profile based on your surfing behaviour

Note: We have no control over third-party cookies. For details, refer to statements on their respective websites.

How long do YeahOk cookies last?

Cookies can be temporary or permanent. Temporary cookies are deleted upon closing your browser, while permanent ones remain until a specified end date, until replaced, or until you delete them.

How can I manage my YeahOk cookies?

You have control over cookie use on our website through the provided cookie banner. Manage your preferences there.

You can also adjust your cookies in your web browser, the process varying by browser. Consult your browser’s help function if needed.

Our cookie policy undergoes regular updates. For inquiries, email [email protected].

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